Girls’ sports have historically been overlooked and underfunded in all areas of the world. Despite the importance of physical education and the benefits that being involved in a sport can bring, girls’ sports are still often overlooked and are underfunded when compared to men’s sports.
This is why it is so important for allies to show their support for girls’ sports and provide resources they need to be successful. Here are a few things you can do as an ally:
- Educate yourself on issues surrounding girls’ sports: From access to proper facilities, equipment, training, or even just plain awareness of how significant these issues are – get informed about what’s happening locally and nationally regarding women in athletics. Show your support by speaking up about these topics whenever you can.
- Volunteer with girls’ teams: Volunteering with girls’ teams doesn’t always have to take a lot of time or energy! Whether its helping out with practice drills or fundraising efforts, showing your support and willingness to help can go a long way in making sure that girls have equal opportunities when it comes to playing sports.
- Participate in events & initiatives related to promoting girl’s athletics: There are numerous events held each year aimed at promoting female athletes across all levels of play – from local pick-up games, leagues and tournaments to professional levels! As allies, we should seek out and participate in these events whenever possible!
- Donate funds & resources: Another great way for allies to show support for girl’s athletics is through donations – this could range from buying tickets for games or donating money towards equipment costs! Any little bit helps make sure that female athletes have the opportunity pursue their passion without any gender-based discrimination or disadvantages they may face due to unequal funding resources.
By taking the initiative as an ally and supporting girls’ sport, we are setting ourselves up not only for success, but also creating tangible change that will benefit future generations who come after us. It is our responsibility as members of a global community to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities – no matter their background or identity!